
coach rachel lank

FL Gutz | Coach Rachel About

Over the years, I've had my fair share of battles with abdominal bloat and gut issues. I went from one physician to another, hoping for relief, but sometimes it seemed like I was going in circles. It got exhausting relying on temporary band-aid fixes, and I knew I had to break free from the cycle of doing the same things repeatedly, expecting different results. Sound familiar?

Eventually, something clicked in 2019. I decided to get off the merry-go-round and made a pivotal decision—I wanted to feel amazing all the time (not just once in a while!) It was my turning point, and boy, did it feel liberating! Suddenly, I had choices. Choices to fuel my body with nourishing and energizing food or to keep indulging in the stuff that left me bloated and miserable, sucking away my precious energy.

That's when I embarked on a journey of simple and sustainable dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and a shift in mindset. And you know what? Within a few short weeks, I started noticing a remarkable difference. My abdominal bloating began to fade away, the fog in my brain lifted, and I found myself filled with newfound energy. Mealtime was no longer something I dreaded—it became a source of delight. And guess what? Along the way, I even managed to shed those stubborn pounds that had stubbornly clung to me in the past.

let’s connect

Ultimately I wanted to create a better life free from abdominal bloat, band-aid fixes, and feeling deprived. So I found ways to shift my mindset and shake up routines. I tackle this with clients now—embracing the challenging inner work (mind, body, soul) to improve the outer work (your day-to-day life) consistently.

Let's talk if you have an idea for a collaboration, just want to chat, hop on a podcast, or hire me to speak with your team/company.

get your gut well today

read the blog

Every article, you'll get some wellness and gut goodie tips. Get insights like how to 10x your energy and feel fabulous!

the gutzy show

Come binge some health-focused content! Start educating yourself and shifting your mindset by tuning into The Gutzy Show.

1:1 coaching

I offer limited coaching sessions to help bring make healthy habits, conquer abdominal bloat, and reach your goals.

a little more history

This journey was indeed an eye-opener for me. The best part? No prescriptions or medical treatments were needed. All I had to do was incorporate these methods into my everyday life, and the relief I found went far beyond just my abdominal bloating.

By embracing these simple and sustainable practices, my life became filled with abundant happiness and meaningful relationships. I wake up feeling rested and ready to conquer the day, indulging in self-care through exercise and nurturing myself daily. Knowing that I'm doing everything I can to be the best version of myself brings me a sense of serenity. And guess what? As a bonus, my family and loved ones also benefit because they experience the best version of me.

As I cared for my patients, I shared genuine compassion with them because I was once in their shoes, experiencing many of the same symptoms. So much is intertwined with abdominal bloating that keeps women from thoroughly enjoying life and becoming the best versions of themselves. That's why I'm incredibly passionate about rejuvenating and empowering women worldwide—one gut at a time!

“and we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”